Angus Begg, an award-winning TV producer and photojournalist turned private safari guide
Angus has been telling stories for decades since his days as a novice journalist covering Nelson Mandela’s release, subjects covered ranging from politics and current affairs to conservation and travel. Working for the national broadcaster in South Africa during the early to mid-1990’s - covering the conflict in Somalia, the genocide in Rwanda and his country’s first democratic elections - cemented his enthusiasm for and curiosity in the narratives to be found in the wildlife tourism and conservation industry. During this period, in which he visited most of the national parks and game reserves in Southern Africa, he and the safari industry discovered each other.
Over the next roughly 20 years, Angus pursued almost parallel, related careers – one as a current affairs and conservation television producer and the other as a travel-writer and photojournalist. With a CNN award and various commendations in his back pocket, Angus used his experience and talents to start his next career – that of private guide and safari itinerary designer
He loves little better than sharing his passion for the bush, southern Africa’s cultures, rhinos, fynbos and conservation, using his many, diverse experiences to inform his second career as a private guide and public speaker – entertaining his guests with stories of his travels across sub-Saharan Africa.
Together, Angus & Hartley’s Safaris plan special interest itineraries, each with its own story line, a specific narrative, an element of the “road less travelled”, pioneering an unusual destination that we see belongs on a “bucket list”
Every itinerary is planned with a specific purpose and African story in mind - with one of the greatest story tellers to bring it all together!
We are excited to share a few of these special interest itineraries, with more to be published soon.